Social Governance
For a more efficient future, built with all hands.More
The importance of maintaining guidelines aligned with our sustainability policies, work safety for our employees and focus on the customer are part of the company's values. Since 2014, we have maintained a structured Investor Relations team that is 100% dedicated to creating a public communication calendar with the external environment. Our mission is to succeed in transmitting our vision and our values, maintaining transparency in our activities, and thus allowing people to share externally our respect for the environment and life. Our internal structure is defined in the Bylaws and is composed of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board.
Our governance structure is defined in the Bylaws and is composed of the Board of Directors with an independent president and vice president, supported by the Executive Board and the following committees:
Business and finance committees
Responsible for drawing up monthly strategies, counting on nationally and internationally renowned external advisors.
Social committee
Represents the company's employees, ensuring autonomy to direct, based on an action plan and investments, guided by the social pillar of sustainability and guaranteeing the company's values - such as social inclusion, community, quality of life, and human rights, among others.
Integrity committee
Focuses on mitigating compliance risks, defending the interests of the organization. Ensures compliance with the set of legal and regulatory rules and the policies and guidelines established for the business. Finally, it promotes integrity and ethics in the work environment, adding value to our activities.
Innovation Committee
Aims to build new solutions to problems, delivering value to the stakeholders and delivering real results to the company. Thus, its main role is to support initiatives that promote the exchange of ideas and the debate of matters of interest to the company, bearing expansion and technological innovation in mind.
Internal audit committee
The controlling body whose role is supervising auditing and accounting report processes, ensuring credibility and security. It is responsible for subsidizing the decisions of the Board of Directors. The approval of documentary support that has our Code of Conduct, among other documents, was carried out by the referred committee.
It is currently composed of four majority and minority shareholders, two external and independent members and one external member, the latter being the chairman himself.
Oscar Bernardes
Presidente (membro externo e independente)
Chairman (external and independent member)
Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, he was previously a senior partner at Booz-Allen & Hamilton and served as CEO at Bunge International. An independent board member, elected in accordance with the independence criteria established by B3's Novo Mercado Listing Regulations, the Board of Directors' Internal Regulations and the Bylaws.
Alexandre Lahóz Mendonça de Barros
Vice President (external and independent member)
Graduated in Agronomic Engineering and PhD in Applied Economics from ESALQ/USP, working as a professor at the same institution, and at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). An independent board member, elected in accordance with the independence criteria established by B3's Novo Mercado Listing Regulations, the Board of Directors' Internal Regulations, and the Bylaws.
Plínio Nastari
External Member
Graduated in Business Administration, he holds a master's and Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Iowa State University. He worked as a professor for 22 years at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). He is currently a member of the World Sugar Committee at ICE Futures. An external board member at Jalles, with no current commercial, employment or management relationship, not an independent board member.
Gibrail Kanjo Esber Brahin
He has been the company Gissara Agropecuária Ltda's executive director for 30 years, and is also a member of the board and vice-president of the Cooperativa de Crédito do Vale São Patrício (Coopercred). A serving member of Jalles S.A. Board of Directors.
Otávio Lage de Siqueira Filho
Shareholder member
Graduated in Civil Engineering and Administration, he was CEO of Jalles from 1981 to 2000. He served as president of the Conselho Deliberativo do Sindicato da Indústria de Fabricação de Etanol do Estado de Goiás (Sifaeg) and served as mayor of Goianésia for two terms, between 2001 and 2008. He is currently president of the Associação Pró-Desenvolvimento Industrial do Estado de Goiás (Adial), director of the Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Goiás (Fieg), advisor to the Fundação Abrinq and the Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira (CTC).
Silvia Regina Fontoura de Siqueira
Shareholder member
Graduated in Psychology from the Catholic University of Goiás, she worked as a psychologist at Clínica Santa Mônica in Goiânia / GO. She served as CEO, member of the Conselho Deliberativo and diretora financeira da Associação Alphaville, as well as partner of the Centro de Psicologia da Pessoa.Currently, she is the owner of the company LS Agropecuária and serves as vice president of the Board of Directors of Grupo Otávio Lage.
Clovis Ferreira de Morais
Shareholder member
Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ), where he also studied Manufacturing Engineering. He collaborated on the creation of the Universidade de Barretos, and is a partner, founder, and responsible engineer for the creation of the Construtora Morais Ferrari Ltda. He was with Grupo Otávio Lage from the beginning. He is a partner, founder, and board member of Jalles.
Responsible for drawing up plans and projects and evaluating operational and financial performance, in addition to executing the strategies defined by the Board of Directors.
Otávio Lage de Siqueira Filho
Graduated in Civil Engineering and Administration, he was CEO of Jalles from 1981 to 2000. He served as president of the Conselho Deliberativo do Sindicato da Indústria de Fabricação de Etanol do Estado de Goiás (Sifaeg) and served as mayor of Goianésia for two terms, between 2001 and 2008. He is currently president of the Associação Pró-Desenvolvimento Industrial do Estado de Goiás (Adial), director of the Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Goiás (Fieg), advisor to the Fundação Abrinq and the Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira (CTC).
Rodrigo Penna de Siqueira
Graduated in Civil Engineering from Poli/USP, with a postgraduate degree in Derivatives (FEA/USP) and Finance Management (FIA/USP). He was board member of the da Associação Brasileira das Indústrias Exportadoras de Carne (ABIEC), President of the Conselho Temático do Agronegócio da Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Goiás (FIEG), Vice President of the Associação Nacional dos Confinadores (Assocon) and of the da Associação Pró-Desenvolvimento Industrial do Estado de Goiás (ADIAL). He has been with the Otávio Lage Group since 2001, performing various roles, including his current position as CFO.
Henrique Penna de Siqueira
Commercial director
Graduated in Manufacturing Engineering from the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR), with an MBA from the Fuqua School of Business (Duke University). He was a member of the Board of Directors of CTC and worked at Banco Itaú and at the North American consulting firm AT Kearney. He served as Chief Operating Officer for five years and has held the position of Commercial Director since 2013.
Joel Soares Alves da Silva
Chief Operating Officer
Graduated in Accounting and Business Administration from Unitoledo (SP). He has a specialization in financial management and an MBA in strategic management, project management and agrobusiness from FGV. He held general manager and regional director positions at the João Lyra group (AL / MG), executive director and CEO at Unialco (SP) and has been a COO at Jalles since 2011.
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