We know that it is people who bring our business to life. For this reason, we take appreciation and professional development in our company seriously, preserving firm relationships with our employees. Our values are attested by the certificate acquired in 2018, Great Place to Work, which highlights the best companies to work for. We teamed up with a coaching and productivity company to measure our performance, and we scored 82, which is considered very strong by the Hewitt Associates ranking. Our benefits guarantee good quality of life and well-being to our employees, allowing our culture to become even more embedded in our daily lives.

Diversity and Inclusion
We keep our relationships healthy, green, and humane. In our organizational culture, we focus on inclusion and diversity, ensuring the existence of programs aimed at women, such as participation in the UN Women's Empowerment Principles, and the program Somos, aimed at people with disabilities. We increased gender equality in our workforce, being currently the company with the highest female participation, above the industry average, with the majority in management and board positions.

Our activities summarized year by year with transparency, credibility, and security.
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