Director participates in Adial’s event to celebrate agreement

The CEO of Jalles Machado and vice-president of the Association for the Industrial Development of the State of Goiás (Adial), Otávio Lage de Siqueira Filho, participated yesterday in the event Onda Bio, to celebrate the achievements of the biodiesel sector and the state with the approval of the ICMS Agreement 206/21. The event also had […]

Director participates in Adial’s event to celebrate agreement

The CEO of Jalles Machado and vice-president of the Association for the Industrial Development of the State of Goiás (Adial), Otávio Lage de Siqueira Filho, participated yesterday in the event Onda Bio, to celebrate the achievements of the biodiesel sector and the state with the approval of the ICMS Agreement 206/21. The event also had the participation of Adial’s president, José Garrote, of Governor Ronaldo Caiado, representatives of biodiesel sector entities, and businessmen from Goiás.

The agreement brought a solution to the tax issue of the new biodiesel commercialization model in Brazil, with the protagonism of the Goiás State Government, represented by the State Secretary of Economy, in the elaboration and presentation of the ICMS incidence system, approved and regulated by the National Council of Treasury Policy (Confaz).

“This agreement is very important, because it makes feasible the continuation of the biodiesel program in Goiás and also in the other states of the Federation that have also joined. Biodiesel, as well as ethanol, has an important role in decarbonization, contributing to the environment”, emphasized Otávio Lage Filho.