Jalles Machado Foundation awards winners of the Dr. Otávio essay contest

The Jalles Machado Foundation, in partnership with the Regional Coordination of Education of Goianésia (CRE), promoted last night, 09/21, the award ceremony of the 15th Essay Contest Dr. Otávio, Constructor of Dreams. The winner was the student Renan Gustavo de Faria, from the Military Police College of the State of Goiás José Carrilho, who won […]

Jalles Machado Foundation awards winners of the Dr. Otávio essay contest

The Jalles Machado Foundation, in partnership with the Regional Coordination of Education of Goianésia (CRE), promoted last night, 09/21, the award ceremony of the 15th Essay Contest Dr. Otávio, Constructor of Dreams.

The winner was the student Renan Gustavo de Faria, from the Military Police College of the State of Goiás José Carrilho, who won a scholarship worth 30 thousand reais. The teacher-supervisor of this student, Lucilene Campos, received an iPhone, and the school received a trophy.

The runner-up was Mariana Gonçalves Vieira, from Colégio Couto Magalhães, who won an iPhone. The third place was won by student Gabriella Mendes Tavares, from Escola Luiz César de Siqueira Melo. The first ten winners received a medal and a contest T-shirt.

The event was attended by Otávio Lage’s family members, authorities, teachers, staff from the participating school units, and students. The attraction of the night was the singer, pianist, and musician Elen Lara, who presented songs that highlight the Goiânia culture.

The Dr. Otávio, Constructor of Dreams essay contest aims to encourage reading and writing, provide knowledge, and pay tribute to Otávio Lage de Siqueira, who was a businessman, mayor of Goianésia, and governor of Goiás.

“We are very happy and proud to see the involvement of the entire school community in this project and the results of these 15 years. Our father believed in education to change people’s lives and left us this legacy, which we try to continue. We thank CRE Goianésia for the partnership and all those who participate, dedicate themselves and do this work that makes a difference. The prize is just an incentive, the most important thing is the knowledge that each student acquires and that they will take with them to life. Congratulations to everyone”, emphasized the CEO of Jalles Machado Foundation, Otávio Lage de Siqueira Filho.

In total, 160 9th grade students from 17 public and private schools in Goianésia took the essay test on September 6th, a text of up to 40 lines with the theme “Diversity as a transforming factor”. These students correspond to 15% of the best students of each school in Portuguese Language in the first semester of the school year.