Visit by Cristiane Alkmin Junqueira, Goiás State Secretary of Economy

Today we received a visit from the Secretary of Economy of the State of Goiás, Cristiane Alkmin Junqueira, accompanied by the Superintendent of Revenue, Aubirlan Borges Vitoi, and the CEO of Adial Goiás, Edwal Portilho. The visit is part of an Adial project that aims to bring the public sector and the Goias’ productive sector […]

Visit by Cristiane Alkmin Junqueira, Goiás State Secretary of Economy

Today we received a visit from the Secretary of Economy of the State of Goiás, Cristiane Alkmin Junqueira, accompanied by the Superintendent of Revenue, Aubirlan Borges Vitoi, and the CEO of Adial Goiás, Edwal Portilho. The visit is part of an Adial project that aims to bring the public sector and the Goias’ productive sector closer together, in order to find joint solutions that guarantee more competitiveness for the industries and the generation of jobs and taxes so that the state can continue growing.

Visit of the Secretary of Economy of the State of Goiás, Cristiane Alkmin Junqueira

They visited the Luiz César de Siqueira Melo School, maintained by the Jalles Machado Foundation, with 525 students, from kindergarten to 9th grade, and the industrial plant of the Jalles Machado Unit, where they saw the production process of sugar, ethanol, electricity and hygiene and cleaning products.