Energy generation

We produce organic, pure, and genuine energy

We are pioneers in energy cogeneration in the state of Goias. We produce clean and renewable energy from sugarcane bagasse and straw. With our two sites, we manage to produce enough energy to supply a city of 300,000 inhabitants.

With the sale of 65% of Codora Energia, integrated into the Otávio Lage Site to the French company Albioma Participações do Brasil, we enabled several improvements in energy efficiency, with the use of sugarcane straw to generate energy even in the off-season.

Advantages of bioelectricity

  • Favors sustainable economic development
  • Contributes to the supply of electricity, especially when reservoirs are low
  • Grants environmental gains by being clean and renewable energy
  • Maximum use of the resources offered by sugarcane
  • It helps to generate jobs and income
  • Emits a lower amount of CO2 when compared to the conventional system


60% of the straw is harvested. The other 40% remain in the fields to protect the soil. After the harvest, the straw is raked.

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