
Food safety and sustainable practices to serve our consumers.

açúcar refinado

Our sugar production process is made from sugarcane and is monitored by qualified and trained professionals. In compliance with international quality standards, we produce two types of sugar: white and organic. The white sugar is sold in Brazil in packages of 1kg, 2kg and 5kg, mainly in the Northeast, Midwest, and North states. The organic sugar is exported to over 20 countries and produced with sugarcane grown under the strictest organic concepts. This production system excludes the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and growth regulator products. Fertilization is natural and based on the use of animal manure, crop rotation, green manuring, composting and biological pest control. The principle of organic production is respect for the environment, ensuring greater protection of natural resources.

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Domestic market

Sold in packages of 1kg, 2kg and 5kg, mainly to the Northeast, Midwest, and North regions.
Açúcar Itaja

Exporting type

VHP (Very High Polarization) crystal sugar, with higher added value. Exported in 50kg packages to countries such as the United States, Canada, and Russia, among others.

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